While this can be very specific to your individual situation, here are a few of the most common reasons:
- Make sure you're tapping on the proper meridian points on the body. You can review those here.
- Make sure you are well hydrated. Because Tapping engages our energetic system, water is the best conductor for allowing this energy to flow freely.
- Ensure you are tapping consistently. Some issues take more time to resolve than others.
- Be more specific with your setup statements. While we provide them for you in tapping audios, if you are not connecting with them, feel free to use your own words that more accurately address your specific issue.
- If you've touched on a core emotion issue or limiting belief while tapping, sometimes our bodies can react very strongly to them, both emotionally and physically. It's ok to back off a little and work on some less sensitive aspects of your issue first.
- Some emotional traumas and memories run deep, and can often be buried in our subconscious minds. Bringing them to light, or replaying them in our minds can be very stressful. This is where it may be best to work with a practitioner to gently guide you through the tapping process.
- On the flip side, make sure to actually address the issue that's bothering you. When tapping by ourselves, we sometimes tend to avoid that which is causing us the most distress. Remember, "To clean the house, you have to see the dirt."
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